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source: http://www.gajotres.net/sencha-touch-vs-jquery-mobile/

A lot of people asking me this question, which framework is better Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile.
Let me first tell you, talking about Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile is like asking which one is better for server side web development, PHP or Java. While both of them can be used for same purposes in reality they are used for completely different purposes.
Where Sencha Touch is optimized and built to run exclusively on web-kit mobile browsers jQuery Mobile is built to globally work all around good on an available HTML browsers. This is more praise for Sencha Touch then jQuery Mobile, it may sound different but Sencha Touch’s optimization is probably this single best thing that makes it shine that much useful. Hybrid mobile applications made from Sencha Touch will run extremely fast and fluid almost native like.
At the same time jQuery Mobile covers completely different market segment. Unlike Sencha Touch which is built to work only on web kit browsers, jQuery Mobile will run on pretty much anything as long it supports HTML5 standard. It doesn’t matter are you running it on a Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS it will run just fine and that makes it appealing to a broader specter of users.


This article is a part of a series where I am trying to explain differences between different HTML5 application frameworks. Original article is talking about broad differences between 7 most popular HTML5 mobile frameworks. Follow previous link if you want to find out more about them.

Sencha Touch vs jQuery Mobile

I will try to match them as best as I can, this will be told from my experience so don’t expect fully objective thoughts. Personally I do not prefer one over another – and I will never promote one over another. Next chapter will be covered in groups, and each group will have a winner.

Match 1 – Marketing and platform support

Both Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile are HTML5 mobile frameworks and they promote themselves like that. Were jQuery Mobile humbly promotes itself as a system built for all popular mobile device platforms Sencha Touch goes over the top promoting itself as aonly framework that enables developers to build powerful apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more. Personally and subjectively I give them a negative point for puffery and false marketing. I really don’t see the point in overpraising something that is already that good, it is borderline narcissistic.
Sencha Touch
  • Usable only one web kit browsers (this should allegedly change in the future)
  • There are much more available mobile frameworks then Sencha Touch developers would want you to know
jQuery Mobile
  • Large number of available platforms, but framework is not optimized for specific platforms (allegedly should be better optimized from version 1.4
Verdict: jQuery Mobile wins

Match 2 – UI and visual impression

Look and feel. As you will see Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile are simply different frameworks from UI point of view. First one is purely javascript driver while at the same time second one is HTML driven. Both of them have a great UI feeling, but Sencha offer more native like feeling (in case you are creating a hybrid mobile application). Unfortunately both of them will perform miserably if to large and complex UI is used, jQuery Mobile more then Sencha Touch.
Sencha Touch
  • Extremely fast and fluid on mobile devices, all in all much better feel then jQuery Mobile
  • It follows MVC philosophy, basically you don’t write any HTML, everything is done through javascript
  • Currently it offers more UI elements/widgets, for example carousel implementation
  • SVG support – making it great for games
  • This is not directly related to UI but Sench Touch IDE is paid application
jQuery Mobile
  • Unlike Sencha Touch, jQuery Mobile UI works much like classic web UI
  • Everything is done through HTML where final UI is wrapped with a custom jQuery Mobile styles, just like jQuery UI
  • UI is easily extendable and morph-able, with a little bit of CSS you can change any existing widget, even create new ones.From version 1.4 UI should be extendable to jQuery UI.
  • Ajax driver which can be confusing to some developers + page transitions and animations don’t feel ‘native’ enough and can be sluggish sometimes
  • CSS usage that makes it great also makes it looking like a clone, one application looks just like another, it requires a lot of time to make it look unique. Excellent example ismobile version of SongMeanings.com.
  • Unlike Sencha Touch here you need to worry about page architecture, it can be problematic sometimes. Everything is tied together, which is good and bad at the same time. Version 1.4 should remedy a lot of this concerns.
Verdict:Sencha Touch wins

Match 3 – Availability, ease of use

Again this is completely different story. jQuery Mobile is markup driven and its dependency on jQuery makes it extremely easy to master unless you prefer MVC architecture where Sencha Touch simply shines, of course that comes with a price of alien syntax, at least alien to those who have distanced them self from a vanilla javascript. In the end this ease of use will decide this match.
Sencha Touch
  • It is all javascript, can be confusing for new developers
  • Very hard to impossible to debug and fix errors in the framework
  • Steep learning curve – at the same time worth of every hour spent on it
jQuery Mobile
  • If you like jQuery (like a lot of people do) you will also like jQuery Mobile
  • Easy syntax
  • Unfortunately out of box MVC, it can be fixed with Backbone.js or Knockout.js
  • Great theme roller support + everything can be easily manipulated through CSS
  • Basically any IDE can be used to develop jQuery Mobile application.
Verdict: jQuery Mobile wins

Match 4 – Documentation

This is the point where even a great products can fall and become forgotten. Both frameworks have more or less good documentation background. Where Sencha Touch has probably bigger and better official documentation and jQuery Mobile has an excellent 3rd party information coverage. But, in the end, excellent Sencha Touch official documentation wins over jQuery Mobile.
Sencha Touch
  • Simply better official documentation the jQuery Mobile, large and not confusing, unless its syntax is not confusing all along to you
  • Not that much 3rd party support or forums
  • Official support is not free, not to mention official IDE platform
jQuery Mobile
  • Good official documentation but not on a level of Sencha Touch
  • Excellent 3rd party support, blogs, articles, forums, Stackoverflow….
  • Better book coverage
Verdict: Sencha Touch wins

Match 5 – Tools, Plugins, 3rd party support

This is also an important topic. What kind of tools or plugins can be used to make my developer life easier.
Sencha Touch
  • In house native app wrapper support
  • Support for themes
  • Unfortunately IDE is a paid application
jQuery Mobile
  • Phonegap is used as a native app wrapper, also while Phonegap is an excellent tool it can behave weirdly when used with jQuery Mobile
  • Support for themes, unfortunately this is not a full support because some core elements CSS can not be changed like this, for example active element glow
  • Large number of 3rd party plugins is available, not to mention compatibility with jQuery plugins
  • Can be extended much more easily then Sencha touch
Verdict: Tie, still this round slightly favors jQuery Mobile

Final thoughts


 jQuery Mobile 

  • Easy to develop
  • Excellent 3rd party support, what through knowledge what through plugins
  • Easy to debug
  • Stackoverflow
  • Slower then Sencha Touch, build to work all around
  • Dull look unless you are capable UI designer, basically all applications look the same
  • Official documentation is lacking in some segments, too few information about jQuery Mobile architecture and too much information about UI
Should be used
  • For mobile sites
  • Light hybrid applications
Code example
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>jQM Complex Demo</title>
        <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; minimum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=no; target-densityDpi=device-dpi"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.css" />
        <!--<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>-->
        <script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.js"></script>   
        <div data-role="page" id="index">
            <div data-theme="b" data-role="header">
                <h1>Index page</h1>
            <div data-role="content">

Reading material

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials, Second EditionYet another book from the Packt Publishing, second installment of this series. Originally I have bought first installment of this book which was outdated so you should also be careful. This one is currently 2 months old (26.11.2013) so it should satisfy you in coming months. Second edition is excellent all around book, covering everything from API to working examples. It is also an excellent book if you want to learn everything that needs to be know about jQuery Mobile API (Chapter 10), something event official product web page is lacking.

 Sencha Touch 

  • Faaaaast + better native feeling
  • MVC architecture
  • Excellent documentation
  • Complicated, cant stress how much, not for inexperienced developers
  • Bad 3rd party support, not that much information outside official site
  • Only web kit support makes it useless for practically anything except hybrid applications
  • Paid support and IDE
Should be used
  • Complex hybrid applications – basically anything that should look and feel like a native app
Code example
new Ext.Application({
    name: 'MyApp',
    launch: function() {
        this.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen: true,
            id    : 'mainPanel',
            layout: 'card',
            items : [
                    html: 'Welcome to My App!'

Reading material

Sencha Touch in ActionSencha Touch in Action is the definitive guide to developing applications with Sencha Touch. This book covers everything you need to know about building Sencha Touch mobile applications. It is intended for experienced developers but it can be also used for initial learning (if your javascript knowledge is satisfactory). There’s another great thing about this book, you can fully preview it / access it online.
Sencha Touch Cookbook, Second EditionSecond book is intended for beginners and advanced developers. This book is a practical, hands-on guide with easy to follow recipes that provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions. My first real intro into a Sencha Touch world was through this book first edition. It is less about API more about step-by-step instructions, great for developers who lack advanced javascript knowledge.

Final words

All in all both frameworks are mature products and can stand on their own. jQuery Mobile is easier to master and will work great all around, but if you need something optimized for your hybrid mobile applications don’t look any further then about Sencha Touch.
Other HTML5 mobile frameworks worth mentioning can be found in my other ARTICLE.


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[인코딩] MS949부터 유니코드까지

UHC = Unified Hangul Code = 통합형 한글 코드 = ks_c_5601-1987 이는 MS사가 기존 한글 2,350자밖에 지원하지 않던 KS X 1001이라는 한국 산업 표준 문자세트를 확장해 만든 것으로, 원래 문자세트의 기존 내용은 보존한 상태로 앞뒤에 부족한 부분을 채워넣었다. (따라서 KS X 1001에 대한 하위 호환성을 가짐) 그럼, cp949는 무엇일까? cp949는 본래 코드 페이지(code page)라는 뜻이라 문자세트라 생각하기 십상이지만, 실제로는 인코딩 방식이다. 즉, MS사가 만든 "확장 완성형 한글 ( 공식명칭 ks_c_5601-1987 ) "이라는 문자세트를 인코딩하는 MS사 만의 방식인 셈이다. cp949 인코딩은 표준 인코딩이 아니라, 인터넷 상의 문자 송수신에 사용되지는 않는다. 하지만, "확장 완성형 한글" 자체가 "완성형 한글"에 대한 하위 호환성을 고려해 고안됐듯, cp949는 euc-kr에 대해 (하위) 호환성을 가진다. 즉 cp949는 euc-kr을 포괄한다. 따라서, 윈도우즈에서 작성되어 cp949로 인코딩 되어있는 한글 문서들(txt, jsp 등등)은 사실, euc-kr 인코딩 방식으로 인터넷 전송이 가능하다. 아니, euc-kr로 전송해야만 한다.(UTF-8 인코딩도 있는데 이것은 엄밀히 말해서 한국어 인코딩은 아니고 전세계의 모든 문자들을 한꺼번에 인코딩하는 것이므로 euc-kr이 한국어 문자세트를 인코딩할 수 있는 유일한 방식임은 변하지 않는 사실이다.) 물론 이를 받아보는 사람도 euc-kr로 디코딩을 해야만 문자가 깨지지 않을 것이다. KS X 1001을 인코딩하는 표준 방식은 euc-kr이며 인터넷 상에서 사용 가능하며, 또한 인터넷상에서 문자를 송수신할때만 사용.(로컬하드에 저장하는데 사용하는 인코딩방식으로는 쓰이지 않는 듯하나, *nix계열의 운영체제에서는 LANG을 euc-kr로 설정 가능하기도 한걸...

[linux] 뻔하지 않은 파일 퍼미션(file permissions) 끄적임. 정말 속속들이 아니?

1. [특수w]내 명의의 디렉토리라면 제아무리 루트가 만든 파일에 rwxrwxrwx 퍼미션이라 할지라도 맘대로 지울 수 있다. 즉 내 폴더안의 파일은 뭐든 지울 수 있다. 2. [일반rx]하지만 읽기와 쓰기는 other의 권한을 따른다. 3.[일반rwx]단 남의 계정 폴더는 그 폴더의 퍼미션을 따른다. 4.[일반]만약 굳이 sudo로 내 소유로 파일을 넣어놓더라도 달라지는건 없고, 단지 그 폴더의 other퍼미션에 write권한이 있으면 파일을 만들고 삭제할 수 있다. 5.디렉토리의 r권한은 내부의 파일이름 정도만 볼 수있다. 하지만 ls 명령의 경우 소유자, 그룹, 파일크기 등의 정보를 보는 명령어므로 정상적인 실행은 불가능하고, 부분적으로 실행됨. frank@localhost:/export/frankdir$ ls rootdir/ ls: cannot access rootdir/root: 허가 거부 ls: cannot access rootdir/fa: 허가 거부 fa  root #이처럼 속한 파일(폴더)만 딸랑 보여준다. frank@localhost:/export/frankdir$ ls -al rootdir/ # al옵션이 모두 물음표 처리된다.. ls: cannot access rootdir/root: 허가 거부 ls: cannot access rootdir/..: 허가 거부 ls: cannot access rootdir/.: 허가 거부 ls: cannot access rootdir/fa: 허가 거부 합계 0 d????????? ? ? ? ?             ? . d????????? ? ? ? ?             ? .. -????????? ? ? ? ?             ? fa -????????? ? ? ? ?     ...

세션아이디 session Id

source : http://jinuine.blogspot.kr/ A session ID is a unique number that a Web site's server assigns a specific user for the duration of that user's visit ( session ). The session ID can be stored as a cookie , form field, or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Some Web servers generate session IDs by simply incrementing static numbers. However, most servers use algorithm s that involve more complex methods, such as factoring in the date and time of the visit along with other variable s defined by the server administrator. Every time an Internet user visits a specific Web site, a new session ID is assigned. Closing a browser and then reopening and visiting the site again generates a new session ID. However, the same session ID is sometimes maintained as long as the browser is open, even if the user leaves the site in question and returns. In some cases, Web servers terminate a session and assign a new session ID after a few minutes of inactivity. Session IDs, in t...