I used Firebug from the start and it was a godsend like the invention of fire. But then Chrome came out with its debugger and I tried it. I kept using Firebug, but kept an eye on Chome's dev tools and finally could not longer come up with a reason not to switch after JSON tools were added in v12.
Chrome's DevTools kick butt because it has:
- Built in Profiler and Heap analyzer
- Built in Audit tool
- Can access and edit LocalStorage, SessionStorage, Cookies, SqlLite DB's etc...
- WebSockets network sniffing
- SHIFT+ESC to get a detailed task manager of all Chrome processes and FPS of each page
- JSON and XML viewers are build in so you don't need a plugin to inspect responses
- JS Syntax highlighting is built right in, no need for a plugin
- JS debugger has many more features (WebWorker/XHR/DOM/Event breakpoints)
- JS debugger shows an element's listeners and js file/line they came from (awesome!)
- Debugger does not crash and does not creep (like FBug)
- Script panel does not go haywire (ever see code for 3 JS files overlaid by bug in FB)
- Each window gets a Dev window if you like; Firebug is a singleton
- FBug perturbs the page because it is a plugin, Chrome is native so this is negligible
These might seem less important than just CSS tools that both have, but if you are making serious, high performance HTML5 apps, Chrome's Dev tools are the best ticket in town.
For the most part I think people only cling to Firebug because they have used it for a long time and feel close to it. Try making the switch, you won't go back.
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